Yearly Archives


The many levels of truth

Knowledge and truth are as malleable as the cerebral fancy of man’s intellect fashioned by the cognisance of his ontological self within the existence of various cosmic dimensions. Dr. Mohamed…

Goodbye wordsmith Rehman Rashid

A lover of words, the journalist and author would express outrage whenever someone used words wrongly. By A. Kathirasen, Free Malaysia Today Rehman Rashid, who died on June 3, 2017, loved…

Auld Lang Swine

SeaDemon Says I have no respect for the perfidious people above.  I have no respect for people who leave their party and form or join another and go against their former party. Nor do I…

Remembering the Double Six victims

As the anniversary of the tragic plane crash approaches, family and friends ponder its impact on Sabah’s history. Philip Golingai, The Star FIVE-year-old Iskandar Salleh was playing in his…