Yearly Archives


Interview with Raja Petra Kamarudin

Malaysia Outlook talks to blogger and political observer Raja Petra Kamarudin to get a better understanding of his motivations and what he hopes to achieve by putting pen to paper, or rather,…

DAP and PKR makan dedak PAS

To all those DAP Red Bean Army cyber-troopers who are quick to accuse others of makan dedak, look at your own leaders first. Because of dedak they refuse to sack the PAS EXCO Members from the…

Hindraf to become a political party

Delegates to its EGM also decide to back the Pakatan Harapan opposition coalition in the next general election. (FMT) - Non-Governmental Organisation Hindraf, which has been fighting for the…

Ezam Politik Kotak Dan Katak

(Bicara News) - Jika tidak hilang akal sudah kesipuanlah gayanya si Ezam apabila mahu menasihatkan Majlis Syura Ulama (MSU) PAS berhubung kerja sama PAS dengan UMNO dalam apa yang dikatakan untuk…

The hypocrites in Sarawak Report

These Mat Salleh can shove their outrage up where the sun does not shine. Calling us robbers, konon, when they robbed us and killed so many of us for hundreds of years and now act like they are…

DAP defends Sarawak Report

Teo Nie Ching slams minister for claim that Sarawak Report was rude to Rosmah Mansor, comparing it to Red Shirts' leader Ali Tinju's 'threat' against Maria Chin. (FMT) - DAP’s Teo Nie Ching has…

Why is PKR so muddled up?

PKR, hobbled by indecision and animated by empty talk, tries to please everyone, but ends up pleasing no one. Sebastian Loh Xi Ving, Free Malaysia Today PKR was once the great hope of…