The trial of Dr Mahathir Mohamad – reality or fiction?


Dr Mahathir Mohamad says Pakatan is not seeking revenge. According to the former premier, the coalition will let the law run its course (see news item below) and refrain from oppressing the people. Now, I’m not going to go into how he was the most oppressive leader in his day by citing stuff you’ve probably read over and over again here and there.

What I’m more interested to discuss here is the question of justice. According to him, “If the laws say those who steal have to be brought to court and the court will decide if it’s true or not and deliver penalties, that is our way.” Well and fair. Question is, who is going to be on trial here – he or Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak?

For two years since 2014, Mahathir repeatedly claimed that the Prime Minister dissipated 1MDB funds worth RM42 billion into thin air. That figure was momentarily revised to RM27 billion before it miraculously bloated to RM42 billion all over again. Then, all of a sudden, there was no more mention of it.

Do you know why?

Because people began to grow weary of him. That explains why the PPBM-led anti-kleptocracy rally struggled to amass a miserly 3,000 to 4,000 supporters while Najib got 21,800 people to attend a simple luncheon! Now, does that not tell you something?

Does it not tell you that people no longer trust Pakatan Harapan?

Seriously, the people who attended Najib’s luncheon were Permatang Pauh folk, the very folk who once swore eternal allegiance to Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. These people no longer give a hoot about about 1MDB or 2MDB because they know it’s hogwash.

Do you know how?

Well, not only has Mahathir yet to show us proof, he went on record to say that the whole fuss about 1MDB was hinged on assumption. Ironically, he spent two years propagating that very assumption though foreign media channels that ended up frightening investors and destabilising the ringgit.

Now, who’s going to answer for the suffering caused to the people? The former premier? Seriously, you’re telling me that the guy who dodged an RCI into the eighties BMF scandal (READ HERE) is willing to be tried in the court of law for his role in sabotaging the economy?

There is only so much talking one can do before the time comes to walk the talk. Najib facilitated an RCI into the Nineties Forex Scandal (NFS) and proved beyond any measure of doubt that RM31.5 billion was gambled away in the forex market. Has Mahathir done anything to prove Najib dissipated RM42 billion into thin air?


So what’s with the bullsxxt about “going by the law?”


