Dr M, the ‘dinosaur’ that refuses to go

Are Pakatan Harapan leaders purely stupid or are they so gullible to believe that a man like Mahathir has instantaneously repented?

Many believe that dinosaurs that once walked the earth have long gone into extinction, and what remain to be seen are skeletons in museums.

But some dinosaurs just refuse to be archived – the political dinosaurs. Leading the pack is no other than Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The man who ruled Malaysia for 22 years and one who had always believed he can never do wrong.

He was right in putting his deputy Anwar Ibrahim in prison. He was right in jailing all those who went against him under the now defunct draconian Internal Security Act (ISA).

He was right of practically stripping the royalty of its powers. He was right in condoning and nurturing blatant corruption within the civil service.

And he was also right in ensuring that Umno becomes extremely racist and the most feared and dominating party in Barisan Nasional. He ensured that MIC, Gerakan and MCA remain subservient and that only those he wished to prosper did so.

Mahathir was right in depriving Sabah and Sarawak their share of the states’ wealth while all his cronies here became multi millionaires if not billionaires in the 22 years.

After all that done and after taking an intermission from the political scene since 2003, he now decides to trample back to make more ‘rights’ as a prime minister once again.

Will the people of Malaysia be so welcoming after all the sins he has done and permit the ‘dinosaur’ to rehabit Putrajaya?

The Opposition coalition has been radarless since Anwar went to prison for sodomising his aide. PAS became Umno friendly. Amanah was born out of anger and DAP declared all out war against PAS.

And while all these were in play with huge gaps in their structure, Mahathir sneaked in stealthily with his PPBM into the comfort zone of the fractured alliance and cunningly made himself the best candidate to be the next prime minister if Pakatan Harapan wins the 14th general election.

Are Pakatan Harapan leaders purely stupid or are they so gullible to believe that a man like Mahathir, who they have badgered all this while to answer for his atrocities, has instantaneously repented just because they want to unseat Prime Minister Najib Razak?

Mahathir may be popular – but for all the wrong things he did that he thought was right. He divided the nation on racial lines to the core just to remain in power.

He was not stone hearted but has been rather heartless when it came to silence all dissenting voices.

It defies logic that he has managed to convince the entire Pakatan Harapan leadership to allow his PPBM to contest in 52 parliamentary seats in peninsular though it is relatively a very new party.

PPBM is nothing short of the Umno that was under Mahathir’s regime and control. During his time as Umno president he never allowed anyone below him to shine. And now the same modus operandi is applied on Muhyiddin Yassin, his party’s president and former Najib deputy.

The glaring indication is that there is bad blood among Pakatan Harapan leaders that Mahathir is riding on to his advantage.

Grassroots voices are beginning to surface challenging the Pakatan Harapan’s presidential council decision to name Mahathir as its PM candidate.

The veiled statements made by Selangor PKR, especially its Menteri Besar Azmin Ali speaks volumes of those who have been told to zip their mouths.

Mahathir can only make promises to himself for himself and family. All other pledges are as good as burning prayer papers at the alter that turns to dust.

This is not about his age going against him or that he is an ‘up-dated’ dinosaur. But rather about false hope given by Pakatan Harapan to the people that Mahathir will keep good all his promises in the event he walks into parliament as the seventh prime minister of Malaysia.

