What about democracy within a party?

(MMO) – Democracy is not just about protecting a citizen’s right to protest against the government, but also about promoting the spirit of dissent within a political party itself, since state assemblymen and Members of Parliament are meant to represent the people.

If a party prevents its assemblymen and MPs from voting against its Bills—which can happen because representatives want to defend the interests of their constituents, if only to avoid losing their seat in the next election — then there is no real democracy.

The Penang state government under the DAP recently barred Tanjung Bungah assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu, who once voted in favour of a Barisan Nasional (BN) motion to halt new land reclamation projects pending environmental studies and open hearings, from administering RM200,000 of state funds for his constituency. Under the state government’s instructions, Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari would take over the administration of the Tanjung Bungah constituency instead, signing off on fund applications, and also open up a new service centre “recognised by the state”.

Zairil was quoted saying: “If one of your people said he would leave and become a rival, there’s no way any organisation in this world will entrust you with the responsibility anymore”.

Teh had said he would quit the DAP after his term ends and he may contest in the 14th general elections. The assemblyman’s decision to leave the party came after a landslide in his constituency last October that killed 11 people.

Teh was known for championing environmental issues and opposing harmful development projects, occasionally clashing with the state administration.

The Penang government’s removal of state allocations from an elected representative is despicable.

A government is not a corporation, where a CEO can be sacked if she isn’t performing or if she violates company policy. While elected representatives are responsible to their party to some extent, they are accountable to their constituents first and foremost.

State funds do not belong to DAP; they are monies from taxpayers merely entrusted onto the government as caretaker.

The people had elected Teh to represent them. How dare the Penang government violate the will of the people by appointing someone else to run Teh’s office?

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