None so deaf as Pakatan who refuses to hear


I am not sure why the federal opposition especially those in Pribumi keeps insulting, heckling and abusing the #UndiRosak people?

I have read the abuses against Maryam Lee and I have to say I’ve been thoroughly shocked by the barbaric insults, eg. “… her mouth is full of my sperm … etc etc …”.

Why insult or abuse those who do not share your political beliefs? Are you a mini-dictator? Who says that you are right in your political belief in the first place?

The irony has been these abusers have the brazen nerve to proclaim themselves as champions of democracy and free speech. They are only that insofar as no one should ever disagree, oppose or argue with them. They will be worse dictators than Ayatollah what’s-his name.

They haven’t even identify the cause of #UndiRosak, namely, the preposterousness of Pakatan nominating Mahathir as PM-designate.

MM Online publishes a statement by Dr Patricia Martinez (extracts ONLY as follows):

… This PH is not the same as the one we welcomed and voted for in GE 13. So those luminaries insulting us as “betrayers”, “delusional” “hopeless and giving up”, for #UndiRosak (I have had to personally endure such abuse on a long-term basis) are themselves delusional.

Malaysians can figure things out for themselves… and we are now cynical, angry, disillusioned, frustrated. Among other possible reasons.

Articles sanitising Mahathir or calling on us to “forgive and forget” and intimate or actually tell us to “choose the lesser evil” horrify me.

I have never knowingly settled for evil, so why should I, when I vote?

Patricia A. Martinez is a Malaysian who is Senior Research Fellow for Religion and Culture and head of the Intercultural Studies Research at the Asia-Europe Institute of the University of Malaya.

