Unilateral conversions began with Mahathir

A Chandrakumanan, Malaysiakini

I refer to the letter This eternal dance with BN has to end.

First and foremost, it is not right for this writer to compare the spouses of the current and former prime ministers for the simple reason that he surely and most certainly doesn’t know either of them well.

As such, whatever opinion of his is devoid of substance and holds no valid point.

In essence, the aforementioned letter demands that voters take into consideration the differences between the spouses of the current PM and the former PM when casting their votes.

Such a thought is clearly driven by political leanings and therefore, has little value attached to it. How he expects voters to give a chance to Dr Mahathir Mohamad by taking a swipe at Rosmah Mansor is something that baffles me.

My question to him is simple – do you know Rosmah or Siti Hasmah personally? The answer is sure to consist of a big ‘No’.

In this present age of technology advancement, we to have to thank social media for giving us news at the speed of light regardless of it’s authenticity. This is the problem as most people aren’t aware if a news is fake or genuine.

As we are aware, most of the time people tend to not check the authenticity of any news but will immediately share it.

Rosmah is one such victim of blatant cyber-bullying. From the diamond ring that never was purchased to the pink diamond which never existed, she has been subjected to awful, dreadful accusations which over the course of time has been proven to be nothing but politically-driven fake propaganda.

I have not seen a single article in the past about Siti Hamzah’s or Endon Mahmood’s influence, or the lack of it, on their husbands’ respective careers.

This is why I find the letter referred to above as hypocritical.

The much-hyped 1MDB scandal has been proven to be a non-scandal at all now. Kindly refer to the PAC reports and the latest statement by the US Department of Justice on the said matter.

The findings of 1MDB by the relevant authorities is proof that there has been no swindling of the ‘duit rakyat’ as the opposition claims.

In comparison, it is now a fact that RM31 billion of Bank Negara’s money was lost during the forex gambling attempts in the early 1990s during Mahathir’s tenure as the prime minister.

But rather conveniently the matter has been brushed aside by Mahathir and his cohorts in Pakatan Harapan. Why? Because the finding by the royal commission of inquiry jeorpardises the coalition’s political prospects.

Now, what does all this indicate? That the opposition in general cherry picks issues to suit their political needs at the material time.

I hope these opposition stooges comprehend the fact that the #undirosak movement exists today due to the presence of Mahathir in the opposition coalition. As mentioned above, in this modern era, information travels fast and is also available at everyone’s fingertips.

The #undirosak movement is delusional with the idea of Mahathir reassuming power as many of the things that are wrong with our country today are due to Mahathir and his policies back in the day.

For an example, the unilateral conversion case of Indira Gandhi. For everyone’s information, the case happened owing to amendments to Article 121 of the Federal Constitution by Mahathir in 1998.

On a final note, the attempts to vilify Rosmah in order to jeopardise Najib Abdul Razak and BN in the upcoming elections is not only a despicable political stunt but is sure to fail.

The writer is president, National Public Complaints and Welfare Service Centre (PAR) chairperson and former Federal Territory PPP chairperson.


