Guan Eng wants Hadi to be like Nik Aziz

What would people say if Hadi tells Guan Eng he should be more like the late Karpal Singh? Karpal Singh was the person who chided Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Guan Eng. Karpal said Anwar had done so much damage to the country and should taubat. Karpal also said Kit Siang and Guan Eng are no better and have no principles for trying to buy 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament in September 2008. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“Be more like late Nik Aziz, Guan Eng tells Hadi,” reported Malay Mail Online today (READ HERE).

It is strange that Lim Guan Eng is asking the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, to be more like the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat. First of all, Guan Eng is from DAP while Hadi is from PAS. And PAS is not a member of Pakatan Harapan. So, what business has Guan Eng to tell Hadi how he should conduct himself?

Guan Eng should be more like the late Karpal

What would people say if Hadi tells Guan Eng he should be more like the late Karpal Singh? Karpal Singh was the person who chided Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Guan Eng. Karpal said Anwar had done so much damage to the country and should taubat. Karpal also said Kit Siang and Guan Eng are no better and have no principles for trying to buy 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament in September 2008.

If Karpal were still alive today he would resign from DAP because Pakatan Harapan has anointed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as its Prime Minister-in-waiting. Yes, Hadi should tell Guan Eng he should be more like the late Karpal since Guan Eng told him he should be more like the late Nik Aziz.

Guan Eng should also be more like Nik Aziz who said he will never forgive Mahathir till the day he dies

In fact, Nik Aziz said he would never forgive Mahathir until the day he dies for detaining his son, Nik Adli, under the Internal Security Act or ISA. Nik Adli was detained in Kamunting for five years, considered a long time to be detained without trial. But then Kit Siang and Guan Eng have forgiven Mahathir when they should instead be just like Nik Aziz and not forgive Mahathir till they day they die — just like how they want Hadi to be more like Nik Aziz.

In fact, Kit Siang said Nik Adli’s arrest appeared to be politically motivated. “There is potential for a frame-up and trumped up charges. If there is evidence, they should be charged in court and put through an open trial,” said Kit Siang. Have Kit Siang and Guan Eng changed their minds and no longer want to be just like Nik Aziz?

The Syariah Criminal Code (II) Enactment 1993 (Hudud Enactment) was passed by the State Legislative Assembly of Kelantan in 1993. At that time, the Menteri Besar of Kelantan was Nik Aziz. In 2015, the Kelantan State Assembly amended that 1993 amendment — the Syariah Criminal Code II 1993 (Amendment 2015), Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965.

This is now known as the RUU355.

Guan Eng opposes the Sharia Amendment Bill that was started by Nik Aziz and yet he wants Hadi to be more like Nik Aziz

But then Guan Eng is bitterly opposed to the RUU355 when it was Nik Aziz’s government that passed it in the Kelantan State Assembly in 1993. Hadi is just the messenger who tabled the RUU355 as a Private Member’s Bill in Parliament. The Bill came from Nik Aziz. And yet Guan Eng wants Hadi to be more like Nik Aziz. So why then is Guan Eng opposing the RUU355 if he wants Hadi to be more like Nik Aziz?

Guan Eng should stop all these childish games of asking Hadi to be more like the late Nik Aziz in case someone starts asking Guan Eng to be more like the late Karpal. Karpal would never agree with what Guan Eng and Kit Siang are doing and he would probably say “over my dead body” before he would accept Mahathir as Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister-in-waiting.

The Sultans are sending Mahathir a message

Talking about Mahathir, HRH the Sultan of Kelantan has just withdrawn the Kelantan datukship from him, just like what HRH the Sultan of Selangor was about to do earlier. In December last year, the Selangor Royal Council arrived at a decision to withdraw Mahathir’s datukships and when Mahathir found out he quickly returned them before they could be withdrawn. In fact, the letter to Mahathir had already been drafted and was just about to be sent when Mahathir quickly sent back those awards.

Husam Musa also had his datukship withdrawn and it is all because of Kit Siang. Kit Siang went and opened his mouth and announced that if Pakatan Harapan wins Kelantan then Husam will be made the Menteri Besar. It is HRH the Sultan of Kelantan and not Kit Siang who decides who becomes the Kelantan Menteri Besar.

Kit Siang decided to play Sultan by announcing Husam as the new Menteri Besar of Kelantan 

So, Kit Siang’s big mouth resulted in Husam, who is already persona non grata in the Kelantan Palace, getting his datukship taken back. And now Guan Eng also opens his big mouth and wants Hadi to be more like the late Nik Aziz, the person who spearheaded the RUU355 in 1993 and which, according to Kit Siang, is the reason why PAS was kicked out of Pakatan Harapan 22 years later in 2015.

