Another final round

(Malaysian Chinese News) – A popular saying goes like this recently: “This is the last time!”

It means if Barisan Nasional is not toppled this round, then there will be no more chance in future.

Some elected representatives from the opposition even said: “If this round the opposition is still unable to change government, then I would consider retiring from politics.”

Ah, young man, no need to gamble big. The earth would not be turning one more round, one round less or stop turning.

Opportunity is meant for those who are ready.

In the 2013 General Election, the slogan used by Pakatan Rakyat then was “Ini kalilah.” The coalition told the voters that this would be the time or else there would be no more chance.

DAP was aggressive in its strategy. It used a traditional method to target Chinese voters in urban area and the extremely loud speaker to blast three streets where voice is raised at higher pitch using the sharpest and harsh language to attack the opponent as much as possible.

Chinese voters were enjoying such attacks and ‘505 change government’ has since become their mission.

However, the Malay crowd was frightened by such ‘frenzied’ group action. This is not the election that they were used to; it was like starting a revolution.

The Malay community did not reject change but they have their own traditional belief where they respect establishments and they are happy with the status quo. They take their time to change gradually.

For few hundred years the politics of Malay progressed in a peaceful way even when they were attacked by intruders without aggressive reaction. Right from attack by the Portuguese, Dutch, British and even Japanese, they behaved the same.

Each sultanate changed from top to bottom but not bottom to top where the protest originated from the ground.

Of course, in this democratic era, the Malay society would no longer be controlled by the authority. They could choose based on the democratic process.

But aggressive change is not the method they want.

Hence the 505 ‘Ini Kalilah’ did not spark a strong wave in reformation. Instead it woke up the conservative sentiment of the Malay society. They asked: What kind of scenario would it be if change of government actually takes place through aggressive reform?

Would DAP be the leading government? Would be rights of Malays be infringed? Would the Malays lose the care extended to them? Would social stability turn into turmoil?

After the Malay group thought about these issues, they made their own choice. When the ballot boxes were opened, the number of Umno seats did not reduce but increase. Barisan Nasional did not fall.

Reflecting the General Election in 2008, change took place in a subtle manner without overwhelming campaign. Conservatism and rejection were never provoked when Umno suffered humiliating defeat.

Social reform has never been a quick job. The “one last time” or “Ini kalilah” is merely a political shortcut sought by political party and politicians who are keen to have instant results. When social conditions are not ready and one has not done sufficient ground work, they would need to rely on slogan and sentiment to achieve their objective.

Such hasty measure may not work. It reverses instead of making progress.

The “last time” this round is even more ridiculous.

They say Mahathir is already 93, Lim Kit Siang 76 and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim 71. If change does not take place now when they are still around, there will be no more chance.

Nonsense. If Malaysia needs to rely on Mahathir, Uncle Lim and Uncle Anwar for its future, that is really unforeseen future!

