Malays are rejecting Pakatan Harapan

The Third Force

Back in August last year, the Malays demonstrated just how much they yearned for a return of Barisan Nasional in opposition run areas by turning out en masse to support Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. The Kenduri Bersama Rakyat that the Prime Minister organised in Permatang Pauh made it into the Malaysia Book of Records by attracting a 21,800 strong crowd comprising largely of Malays.

The record breaking scene at the PKR stronghold was a stark contrast to the dull atmosphere at the PPBM organised “anti-kleptocracy” rally in Padang Timur. Lim Kit Siang’s decision to share a stage with Dr Mahathir Mohamad while accusing Najib of corruption was such a turnoff, the event barely brought together 4,000 persons, signalling that Malaysians totally rejected the DAP’s decision to team up with PPBM.

Yes, the Malays can no longer make sense of stuff that is going on in Pakatan Harapan. They get pissed every time they see Nurul Izzah Anwar praising Mahathir or Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail standing next to the Machiavellian. It puzzles them how the mother and daughter tag team has the cheek to shout Reformasi despite it being the very slogan once used to demand Mahathir’s resignation from government.

Then, there is the fact that everyone in Pakatan seems comfortable with Lim Kit Siang’s anti-Islamic rants. The Malays were furious when Amanah’s Mohamad Sabu refused to come in Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s defence despite the senior Lim’s stinging remarks against the Syariah Amendment Bill. It occurred to them that Amanah was nothing but a proxy party funded by the DAP to turn Muslims against PAS.

There is just that much Islamophobic nonsense being played up by the DAP that the Malays no longer feel safe being associated with its leaders. Ask any right thinking Malay, and he or she will tell you that Pakatan is toxic to the religion of Islam. Ask why, and the first name he or she would pluck from the air is that of Lim Kit Siang, who almost every Malay would swear is the personification of evil in the flesh and blood.


