You don’t get it, do you?

It is a clear rejection of Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan itself by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Mohammed Azrul

I am surprised by the quiet reaction of Pakatan Harapan people when the Sultan of Kelantan stripped off Datukships of Husam Musa and the other Amanah guy I don’t know his name AND Mahathir Mohamad, as if it was nothing.

First of all, I think you Pakatoons know that the current Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the Sultan Kelantan himself. That makes it a huge blow for Mahathir to be the Prime Minister since the Yang di-Pertuan Agong appoints the Prime Minister. Not that Pakatan Harapan is going to win anyway but yeah, it is a clear rejection of Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan itself by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

That also makes Husam Musa not ever going to be the Menteri Besar of Kelantan should Pakatan win the state. Then again, it is not that Pakatan Harapan can win Kelantan anyway.

But you know, to receive the double blow in one day – I really don’t understand why Pakatan Harapan should even go to elections. First, you make that old man whom you said destroyed and bankrupted the nation during his 22-year reign as your top dog. If you had made him your lap dog, that is commendable already but you expect people to follow suit as if it was nothing? The Malaysian people I know simply detest hypocrites let alone lick their own spit.

However, I know there are still people who are going to vote Harapan. I won’t call them a bunch of “bodohs” but the word simpleton could best describe them. To me it is too stupid to realize how shitty Pakatan has become and to put your trust on them to lead your nation is even much stupider (eh, is there actually such a word?).

Thinking Malaysians should just settle for economic and political stability. Not emotions and hate. Changing of government is not as smooth sailing as you think and to “give” the country back to a mad, vengeful man such as Mahathir is even worse! And for what? To make a few people gain? I truly believe the country is heading in the right direction and the numbers don’t lie. Go figure it out yourself – there are a lot of economic indicators related to Malaysia. Prove that you are a thinking Malaysian by at least doing your own research into the country’s economy.

Anyway, just a quick reminder, when you vote, make sure you do it for the sake of yourself, your children and your great-great grandchildren. You don’t go vote for mere mortals like Mahathir or Najib or Lim Kit Siang. Look at their policies/manifestos and think if they make sense and are do-able. Don’t go look at the picture of the 93-year old Mahathir and start worshiping him as if he was your God. You know at the end of the day, this is your country and the people you choose are just your Wakil, your representative.

Hence the calling “Wakil Rakyat”.

