Penang Undersea Tunnel project a mega-scam

“Is it not obvious that you had no intention of constructing the three paired roads and the undersea tunnel? Yet, when cornered, you resort to bringing Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak into the picture by alleging that the Prime Minister was assisting Gerakan and the MCA tarnish your reputation. But what has Najib got to do with this? Was it he who conned CRCC into thinking that they would be paid the full RM69 million?”

The Third Force

Lim Guan Eng is at it again.

After his balls were nailed to the wall twice by MCA deputy president Dato’ Seri Wee Ka Siong in a span of just days, the Penang Chief Minister is attempting yet another Rothmans International 180 degrees maneuver, this time, alleging that Barisan Nasional is attempting to sabotage the Penang Undersea Tunnel Project. Now, I bet you that the guys at Rothmans – if they’re still around, that is – would be amazed how this fellow could negotiate such a maneuver on a nonexistent road that contractors from China were promised millions upon millions to design.

There is no doubt in my mind the entire RM6.3 billion project was a scam from the get-go. With Ka Siong’s explosive disclosure hours ago, we now have reason to believe that the Penang state government was never intent on fulfilling its obligations to China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd (CRCC), the Chinese construction firm that Guan Eng went from being “shareholder” to “main contractor” to “what the hell you guys in BN want from me lar??”

I want your blood, Mr. Chief Minister.

In a metaphoric sense, that is. I want you to admit that the tunnel project was nothing but a huge smokescreen billowed from your office in Komtar to mask a massive land scam deal. From the looks of it, this deal involved kickbacks promised to politicians, consultants and shareholders from Consortium Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd (Zenith), the holdings company overlooking the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) awarded the project. It seems that the guys from the Penang Chinese Chambers of Commerce (PCCC) were complicit with the whole lot of you in a scheme to reap benefits from the wanton sale – or rather, ‘donation’ – of state land.

Imagine, you guys awarded the massive undertaking to a conglomerate that barely had the means to service its obligations to CRCC. Then, for no apparent rhyme or reason, you bundled together 34 other consultants before sticking a hefty RM304.9 million tag for “feasibility studies and design works.” When asked, you insisted that the tag was justified and not as insanely exorbitant as claimed by the guys at Barisan Nasional’s Strategic Communications team.


