100 Women: Muslim women rally round #MosqueMeToo

#MosqueMeToo supporters say that even in the holiest of places, where they are fully covered and praying, they can be assaulted.

Faranak Amidi, BBC

Muslim women are using #MosqueMeToo to share their experiences of sexual harassment during the Hajj pilgrimage and other religious settings.

Egyptian-American feminist and journalist Mona Eltahawy first talked about her experience of sexual assault during Hajj in 2013.

She is behind #MosqueMeToo.

Muslim men and women from around the world started using the hashtag yesterday and in less than 24 hours it was tweeted 2,000 times.

It has gone on to become one of the top ten trends of Farsi Twitter.

Many of the women sharing their experiences on Twitter report being groped, inappropriately touched or having someone rub against them in the crowd.

For Muslims, the Hajj is the fifth and final pillar of Islam. It is something that every sane adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it and are physically able.

It is estimated two million Muslims undertake Hajj each year, creating huge crowds in the holy city of Mecca.

Many Muslim women are taught from a very young age that a hijab, or head covering, is their protection from harassment and assault.

Some people also believe that what a women wears, where she goes and what she does can encourage harassment and it is her responsibility to manage this.

Many women in countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Afghanistan say they still face sexual harassment and assault on the streets, despite wearing modest dress.

#MosqueMeToo supporters say that even in the holiest of places, where they are fully covered and praying, they can be assaulted.

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