Kit Siang should come clean about his party’s sources of income.

Media Statement issued on 27 February, 2018,  by Tunku Abdul Aziz, former National Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Action Party, on Lim Kit Siang’s Response to Comments that Malaysia’s richest billionaire, Robert Kuok Funded DAP Activities.

In a lengthy tirade against the MCA leadership for not coming out strongly to challenge UMNO and to say that Robert Kuok was wrongly accused of funding the opposition’s political activities, Lim Kit Siang is trying to drive a wedge between UMNO and the MCA, to divide and cause disharmony in Barisan Nasional.

Lim Kit Siang has vehemently denied receiving any support from Robert Kuok. To strengthen his own case and to clear Robert Kuok’s alleged involvement as a DAP funder once and for all, why does not Lim Kit Siang open his books and show where  his financial support really comes from? After all, DAP preaches transparency and accountability as an article of faith, in theory at least.

Raja Petra has said in his Malaysia Today that Robert Kuok is funding the DAP. It is surely not for MCA leaders to confirm or deny this statement. It does not concern them. Why drag them in when it is the DAP that Raja Petra was writing about as being a recipient of Robert Kuok’s financial support? In typical LKS style, he expects other to clean up his mess and pick up the pieces.

In the years I was on the Central Executive Committee of the DAP, the monthly Treasurer’s Report did not contain any information regarding DAP’s sources of income. I never received a satisfactory answer to questions about party finances. That information was held close to Lim Kit Sian’s chest.

In summary therefore, Lim Kit Siang could save, as he is obviously anxious to do, Robert Kuok from any embarrassment by coming clean about his party’s sources of income. Leave MCA out of all this.

