Lose-lose for Maria Chin and Pakatan Harapan

The people supported Maria Chin as they shared the same vision as hers. However once she becomes an electoral candidate under Pakatan Harapan, her influence, charisma and image as a civil rights movement leader will vaporize. The high regard on her by the public will turn into a big disappointment; some might even feel that they were being made used of. 

Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily

It seems that Pakatan Harapan is not aware that one of its biggest assets is Bersih not Maria Chin.

Similarly Maria Chin seems not clear that her platform is in Bersih and not in Pakatan Harapan. 

Therefore, when Maria Chin decided to resign as the Chairman of Bersih and offered herself as an electoral candidate under Pakatan Harapan in the coming general election, such decision is doomed to be a lose-lose situation for both Pakatan Harapan and Bersih. 

No matter how Maria Chin defends her decision or how strong the support is from her supporters and other Bersih leaders, her action is tantamount to an abandonment of trust or a betrayal to the public who support Bersih. This is a big blow on Bersih. 

Bersih is a civil rights group and not a political party. Bersih is working on social activities and not political activities. Bersih becomes influential due to its transcending status, which is without any political power agenda. 

That is why Bersih could garner support from the public and demonstrate with them on the streets. 

The public is fed up with the political tussle and they are disappointed with the greedy and insensitive political parties. That’s the reason they joined Bersih rallies willingly and not joining rallies of political parties. 

The people supported Maria Chin as they shared the same vision as hers. However once she becomes an electoral candidate under Pakatan Harapan, her influence, charisma and image as a civil rights movement leader will vaporize. The high regard on her by the public will turn into a big disappointment; some might even feel that they were being made used of. 

Consequently, the future of Bersih will become dimmer. If their leader can afford to abandon Bersih, how can Bersih influence the public to support the movement again?

To Pakatan Harapan, as if it has won, but in fact it has loss.

In the past, Pakatan Harapan was following Bersih, reaping the fruit of success of Bersih. 

In 2007 when Bersih made its maiden rally, it has created the yearning for fair and free elections; it has also aroused the discontentment of the fence sitters towards Barisan Nasional. Consequently in the 2008 general election, Pakatan Rakyat managed to capture many seats once held by Barisan Nasional. 

The two major rallies in 2011 and 2012 created a powerful anti-Barisan Nasional sentiment in the urban areas to a new height, which had helped Pakatan Rakyat to capture a majority of the city and mixed constituencies in the 2013 general election. 

Pakatan Rakyat wouldn’t be able to attain its present position and status without the momentum of the few Bersih rallies. 

However Bersih 2015 was a failure and the influence of Bersih could be seen diminishing. Nevertheless Bersih is still the most popular civil rights movement which can command the most effective social influence in the country. 

Pakatan Harapan overlooks that the civil rights movement can achieve many social changes that political parties cannot achieve, and civil rights movement can also fish for votes which the political parties can’t; but once the identity of Bersih changes, even if it joins Pakatan, it is likened to cutting off one of its own arms. 

As for PKR, it actually does not need Maria Chin to help them to win a parliamentary seat. No matter Maria Chin stands in Petaling South or Selayang constituency, her chance of winning is high. In fact, any PKR candidate will have the high winning chance too. 

Thus, Maria Chin’s participation will not help to increase seats for Pakatan Harapan or PKR. 

However, when the people lose faith in Bersih, it will not be able to create another tsunami for the Opposition. Hence Pakatan Harapan may lose in many of its marginal win constituencies. 

Pakatan Harapan may gain a Maria Chin but it will lose the super civil platform given by Bersih. Whereas Maria Chin may become a lawmaker but she has broken her promise and trust to the sanctity of the social movement.

