Equanimity seizure is still far from anything significant

Another Brick in the Wall

It is long anticipated that as we near the general election, Tun Dr Mahathir will revive the 1MDB issue. Raja Petra gave his conspiracy theory on how it will happen here.  And another low down from him here.

The serious doubt is on whether Attorney General, Tan Sri Appendi Ali would do such a thing. It would destroy his credibility.

Sacrificing oneself for Mahathir will not be beneficial. As happened many times, Mahathir does not appreciate such sacrifice for him. He used people and throw them away when they are no more useful. Remember how he treated Dato Hamidah Osman and even the late Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat.

We expect Mahathir would reveal documents irrespective of it being (true or fake) as evidence to prove his accusation that Dato Najib is guilty in the 1MDB debacle.

However, none yet.

Then suddenly, the news Indonesian authorities seized on a yatch named Equanimity claimed to be that of Jho Loh.

Mahathir even wrote a special blog posting. Was it the awaited bomb?

Some few years ago, Sarawak Report made a big fuzz over South China Morning Post report on seeing the yacth off the Hong Kong harbour.

Why did it wander away into Indonesian waters?

One can expect the Equinimity seizure was the breath of fresh air needed by the opposition and anti-Najib movement.

However, they overdone it with fake news of RM1 billion cash found in the yatch.

RM1 billion notes would require a large space and is more than the picture they childishly circulated.

The intention to propagate the Equanimity seizure could be speculated. To make it more interesting, they could have coined a spin that it was in Malaysian currencies meant for UMNO’s general election but the Indonesian authorities and someone kow tim to take it for themselves.

Red Granite settlement

Alas, not likely to be mere councident, CNBC released the following news:

On the same day on March 3rd, there was the following news from a not-so-famous portal but was picked up by well known international media.

Same method as Sarawak Report breaking the lies and international media including WSJ picked it up. It is almost the same with the old bloggers viral game.

The interesting part of this news is there was a resolution to Red Granite civil forfeiture case. On Wednesday, it is announced Red Granite will pay DOJ USD60 million but it is no admittance of guilt. Believe the criminal investigation ends.

To believe the above report, one should remember that it is the same DOJ that is pursuing Donald Trump for alleged collaboration with the Russians during the Presidential election.

Would anyone near or linked to Trump be able to negotiate with DOJ to close investigation?

If Red Granite could be resolved, how about Jho Loh?

Both opposition and government supporters wants Jho Loh be investigated, charged and sent off to prison. Public demanded on police to do so immediately last year.

But what offense did he do? Does he have the power to do what he allegedly do? Where did Jho Loh committed these offenses?

He had a role to.play as Adviser of Terengganu Investment Agency but he was more representing the Arab interest in various capacity. Malaysia need to seek hard to pin anything on Jho Loh.

The US seemed to have the basis to do so. They will need to come to Malaysia where 1MDB as originator of the problem is based.

Is there a Mutual Legal Assistance seek by the US authorities?

From our sources, none. That is unless someone cook up a conspiracy that there are such but our side reject. Maybe the other side will cook up such document.

Bear in mind, the request for MLA has to be very specific. By the look of things, the US criminal investigation is rather exploratory.

This blog have been saying all the while that the DOJ application with the California Court is based on a complainant. The complainant is Dato Khairuddin Abu Hassan.

He is no Mensa Society member but studied mass communication at ITM. Since his name appeared for involvement in the biggest land con jon ever in Ijok, words are he is financially desperate and heard to be involved in various scams.

So much for his sacrifice for Mahathir’s cause. When in trouble, he is left alone. And we thought Tun Daim would have taken care of him.


