How Soros turned the world media against Najib Razak

“The money was assigned to a 14-member Journalism Advisory Board that was told to rip 1MDB apart. The board was represented by the who’s who in the world of media, including CNN’s David Gergen, the New York Times’ Jim Abramson, ABC’s Kerry Smith (vice-president) and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Cynthia A. Tucker. Kerry Smith was instrumental in negotiating a USD5 million payoff that went into the production of State of Fear, a Four Corners presentation that featured Clare Rewcastle Brown and Charles Morais”


On the 17th of March 2018, a whistleblower from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) spoke of a multibillion dollar deal between George Soros and Dr Mahathir Mohamed to depose of Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Following the disclosure, I made a passing reference to the Soros-owned Open Society Foundations (OSF), the world’s most successful grant making network that purports to champion justice, education, public health and independent media.

Wait. The OSF supports independent media?

That’s the thing.

The OSF’s stated aim is to promote independent media and quality journalism in countries undergoing democratisation. Ironically, the foundation seems more active in the democratic west than it is in the authoritarian east. In 2010 alone, the OSF channelled some USD200 million to media organisations in Egypt and Tunisia – two Mideast nations with the highest scores on the freedom scale – to trigger a wave of protests that came to be known as the Arab Spring.

So the OSF is against democracy?

Believe me, it is.

In part four of this series (see link below), I spoke of the billionaire’s messianic delusions and how he aspires to “free mankind from the ‘handicaps’ of democracy” by introducing the concept of an open yet controlled society. In the article, I added;

“(Soros) sees himself as a liberator of that society, such that when the New World Order dawns, humans would worship him as “the man who rid the planet of the Democratic Prison Matrix that currently has humans imprisoned through the delusion of choice.”

Considering the above, not only is the OSF against democracy, it aims to control media organisations in existing democracies and nations that score high on every other scale. For the past ten years or so, the foundation has expended millions upon millions though media corporations bearing anti-establishment banners to imply that “Democracy is in crisis.”

To rid the Malaysian government of Najib, the foundation – in conjunction with the greater Soros empire – set aside a USD50 million money pot to bankroll activities by a group of individuals from Bersih and the Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism. The said individuals were tasked to incite hatred against UMNO and to trigger bloodshed in central Kuala Lumpur when the time is right.


