Kit Siang promised Hadi RM100 million to defy the Sultan

Lim Kit Siang told Hadi that once Wan Azizah becomes the new Selangor Menteri Besar they will pay PAS RM100 million. But to earn that RM100 million, Hadi and PAS have to challenge and defy HRH the Sultan of Selangor. Hadi, however, could not agree to that because, being a Terengganu Malay, challenging and defying the Sultan is taboo for any amount of money.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Today, Clare Rewcastle Brown a.k.a. Sarawak Report said:

“The world laughed and all have noted that Najib Razak has yet to issue proceedings against anyone who has openly called him a thief and a liar. Yet it is this government, led by a master thief and liar, that is now proposing to criminalise what it determines to be falsehoods.”

Clare accused Najib of paying Hadi a RM90 million bribe but cannot prove it

This is the same Clare Brown who accused Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak of paying the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, a RM90 million bribe. When Hadi sued Clare Brown in a UK court, she failed to prove the allegation and, until today, the case if still ongoing without any indication when it will end.

Pakatan Harapan says Hadi betrayed the opposition coalition by bringing PAS out of Pakatan Rakyat. So, they are insinuating that this was the reason why Najib bribed Hadi. That is fake news, which DAP and Pakatan Harapan are spreading. Hence, this is why they fear the new fake news law.

The truth is, it was DAP that announced in June 2015 that Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists. Then, three months later, in September 2015, Pakatan Harapan was formed, without the inclusion of PAS. The reason they closed down Pakatan Rakyat and formed Pakatan Harapan was to get rid of PAS. That is NOT fake news.

So, did PAS leave Pakatan Rakyat or did DAP kick PAS out of Pakatan Rakyat? Was it PAS that announced it was leaving Pakatan Rakyat or was it DAP that announced Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists? The Pakatan Harapan spin is that PAS resigned from Pakatan Rakyat whereas the truth is PAS was sacked from Pakatan Rakyat.

The reason why DAP unilaterally kicked PAS out of Pakatan Rakyat was because DAP wanted Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to take over as the Selangor Menteri Besar — whereas HRH the Sultan of Selangor did not agree. DAP wanted PAS to challenge and defy the Sultan (like how DAP and PKR did) but PAS refused to do so and instead proposed Azmin Ali as the new Menteri Besar, which the Sultan agreed.

Kit Siang promised PAS RM100 million if Hadi would challenge and defy the Sultan of Selangor

Basically, PAS did not want to durhaka (commit treason) against the Sultan like how DAP and PKR did. And that was why DAP was angry with PAS.

Lim Kit Siang told Hadi that once Wan Azizah becomes the new Selangor Menteri Besar they will pay PAS RM100 million. But to earn that RM100 million, Hadi and PAS have to challenge and defy HRH the Sultan of Selangor. Hadi, however, could not agree to that because, being a Terengganu Malay, challenging and defying the Sultan is taboo for any amount of money.

