The 10 sins of Pakatan Harapan leaders

Here are the 10 sins of Pakatan Harapan leaders.

Cheah Sin Chong, Berita Daily

1. Kleptocracy

This word which means a ruler stealing from its people has been used on Najib Razak and BN as part of its poisonous politics to brainwash the people to hate the government.

Truth is, it actually applies to Pakatan Harapan because as “ruler” of their own states of Selangor and Penang, rising blatant corruption seems to be the order of the day and even Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng faces corruption charges.

On the other hand, there is nothing to link Najib with 1MDB!

2. No integrity

Pakatan leaders have ZERO integrity as shown by their numerous U-Turns – for example, PKR was formed to “reform” Mahathir’s 22 years of alleged mismanagement of the country. Anwar’s reformasi movement gained traction when PKR, DAP, PAS condemned Mahathir but today in a dramatic about turn they praise him, forgave him and even got the cheek for them to say it was OK. Within a few short weeks and months, they have wiped everything clean as if nothing had happened in the past.

How to trust these kind of people to rule this nation? They can sell their soul, their political cause and still you donkeys still support them?

3. Dictatorship

This is evident in the manner Pakatan leaders run their own component parties. An example is the DAP where Lim Kit Siang continues to “rule” over the DAP for decades and sacking and sidelining dissenters. Even its AGM is undemocratically held.

4. Cronyism

Pakatan leaders are all about cronyism and nepotism. Leading the pack is of course, Dr Mahathir who is known for enriching his cronies and milking the nation’s wealth for his cronies and his own family. In fact, DAP, PKR and previously even PAS leaders have accused Mahathir of cronyism endlessly.

Anwar, his wife and daughter, Lim Kit Siang, and son and Mahathir and his son continue to help their own “dynasties”. Previously even Lim Guan Eng’s wife was also a strongperson in the DAP.

There is also growing evidence that Lim Guan Eng’s actions have benefited his buddy cronies especially in property developments that have wreak havoc on Penang’s environment.

5. Racism

Pakatan often accuses BN, particularly Umno of playing racial politics. Well, the DAP, a pretentious multi-racial party often ignites racial sentiments in the Chinese to hate the Malays. You can see this in their numerous ceramics…”Lets the Malays screw the Malays..”

By encouraging the Chinese to hate the MCA/Gerakan, the DAP is feeding a culture of racist dissent, blaming the MCA and Gerakan for failing to fight for the Chinese when the DAP itself has done nothing at all for the Chinese except spewing hatred.

Fact is, the Malays form the majority race and past and current administrations have to take into account the needs of the majority race as one of its priorities. Isn’t this democracy?

Under Najib, things have improved markedly and, despite not getting the Chinese majority support, Najib still cares for the Chinese and included MCA/Gerakan in his Cabinet.

DAP is truly a racist party with its “Chinese tsunami” in GE13 but they call it the “Malaysian Tsunami” No guts to admit it.

6. Cheaters and scammers

Pakatan has given false hopes and promises to the people and many of their so-called programmes and promises have failed to materialise.

There are too many examples but suffice to say, their manifestoes in the past and present are impracticable and undeliverable for various reasons and they know it. It is tantamount to cheating and scamming everyone including their own supporters.

7. Useless and inept

They can’t even rule Penang and Selangor properly and yet have the cheek to dream of ruling this country??!

The water crisis has become a common problem in Selangor and Penang is drowning in a sorrow of flash floods and landslide as well as pollution. People are kicked out from their homes!

8. Blame game

Pakatan leaders have mastered the art and skill of blaming BN and others for all the country’s woes and their failures. They are cowards, useless and are not even fit to be in the Opposition.

9. No leadership

When you don’t have capable generals, how do you win a battle or war unless you use evil, deceitful and treacherous ways and means to cheat and bluff the people?

Can you imagine a scandalous convicted sodomist being the international face as our PM or a dictator, 93-year-old corrupt greedy old man to be our PM or worse, a racist, poisonous good for nothing U-Turn sifu as our PM?

Their little “generals” are only good at making all sorts of unproven allegations, hurling abuses together with their uncouth supporters. No statesmanship. None. Zilch!

10. No solid pan to rule

The wishy-washy, Pakatan even killed off their Pakatan Rakyat, each pursuing their own selfish agenda. It is not about Saving Malaysia because Malaysia is doing great under Najib and BN.

Malaysia and Malaysians will be doomed if we hand over power to a bunch of misfits, charlatans and cheats.

Cheah Sin Chong is a former journalist and a local political commentator
