It Is Dr M Who Divide Malays, Not Pas – Mahfodz

(NST) – It is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who divided the Malays and Muslims, not Pas.

Pas Ulama chief Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed said the disunity was caused by Dr Mahathir’s greed for power as seen during his 22-year reign as prime minister, during which saw the formation of Umno’s splinter Semangat 46.

Mahfodz said this was in contrary to Dr Mahathir’s claim that it was Pas which promoted the dissension.

“He (Dr Mahathir) had committed a lot of sins and vice (maksiat) against the people and the country. It was under his leadership of Umno that Semangat 46 was born.

“Later on, another splinter was created in the form of PKR following ludicrous allegations he made against his deputy at that time.

“The accusations lobbed were not in line with the Syariah (Islamic jurisprudence) since the one who made the allegations should substantiate his claims and the one who was accused should (be allowed) to prove his innocence.

“And now, when he is at odds with the current prime minister, he formed (another splinter) Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM). And now he is accusing Pas of splitting the ummah,” Mahfodz said in a ceramah at Parit Nipah Pas branch here last night.

Mahfodz also said Malay Muslims must remain united to deter the possibility of DAP ruling the country.

He said DAP had always been against Islam, which was evident in the socialist party’s opposition towards the amendment of Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965.

“We were together in (the now-defunct) Pakatan Rakyat back then. But when DAP gained the upper hand (in seat numbers) they began baring their fangs at us. They were willing to accept Pas’ struggles, but now they are against Islam.

“They were against the amendment of the act in Kelantan. But prior to the tabling of the amendment, we had held dialogues with them and even seminars. They even interfered with Pas’ party election and insulted our president.

“So that is why, if you want Malaysia to be safe, we Malay Muslims must unite so that DAP will not be powerful in Malaysia. Otherwise, may Allah protect us, we will end up just like the Malays in Singapore.

“Do not lend your voice to any DAP leader. They have nothing to do with us.”

