Statement by MCA Deputy President Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong

1.  The invitation to Guan Eng to attend the RM20.5 billion Penang Tunnel forum were sent out weeks ago. Kit Siang was also invited after he had understandably jumped in to defend his son from his mega-scandal.

2. Parental love is limitless so I do not blame Kit Siang.

3.. However before the forum, we were treated to a deluge of excuses from both father and son why they will be cowardly avoiding this debate.

4. Malaysians were told that Guan Eng is number one and I was number two,  DAP has more seats than MCA, DAP only respects UMNO., Wee Ka Siong is a catspaw, Wee Ka Siong is a ninja assistant and I should contest in Bagan.

5. Friday night’s forum has now come and gone and both were disappointingly absent.

6.  Guan Eng and Kit Siang must be reeling in shame after what must be the biggest blow to DAP’s pride since its formation – that both their party Secretary-General  and the party de-facto leader had ducked away from a public debate where the Secretary-General is accused of a RM20.5 billion scandal in his own parliament seat of Bagan in the very state where he is the Chief Minister.

7. After the forum, the lame excuses why both did not attend has continued.

8. Now we are told by the father and son that I should contest in Guan Eng’s Bagan seat first before they will debate me, that I am childish for daring to publicly debate them or that I am defaming the Penang State Secretary.

9. The funniest excuse comes from Kit Siang who imply that there is no need for the debate since Liew Chin Tong is brave enough to contest against me in my Ayer Hitam seat.

10. Kit Siang even claimed that there is no corruption in the Penang Tunnel and that I am imagining things despite the fact that the Penang Govt had acknowledged that RM22mil had been fully paid by the Tunnel company to two individuals in a failed attempt to stop investigations into corruption in the project.

11. No one of sane mind will accept these excuses and will only raise suspicion to even greater heights that the Chief Minister is guilty of this scandal.

