No rocket logo for DAP in GE14, it will be a common Pakatan logo

(The Star) – DAP has confirmed that it will not contest in the general election under its signature rocket logo, and will instead use a common logo under Pakatan Harapan.

“We have met and we have decided to use a common logo. This isn’t an easy decision for the party but DAP agrees to use a common logo,” DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng told a press conference in Parliament lobby on Thursday.

However, Lim said his party’s Sabah and Sarawak wings will not use the Pakatan common logo in their election campaigns.

“They’re different because they have autonomy. So we respect this and they can use the DAP rocket logo,” he said. 

He, however, did not specify if Pakatan will be contesting under PKR’s logo.

“It will be announced by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tomorrow (April 6). Wait for tomorrow,” he added.

Lim also did not dismiss the fact that grassroots DAP members may feel uncomfortable contesting under PKR’s logo.

“We cannot deny the impact. But it’s important for us to have one-to-one fights with Barisan Nasional,” he said.

On Wednesday (April 4), The Star reported that Pakatan is likely to use PKR’s logo to contest in the 14th General Election (GE14).

Earlier Thursday, Dr Mahathir, also the Pakatan chairman and its PM-designate, said the Opposition alliances have already decided on what logo it will be using, but this would only be revealed on Friday (April 6).

Pakatan cannot use its official logo to contest in the polls because the Registrar of Societies (RoS) has refused to register it as a formal coalition.

This was due to ongoing investigations into alliance member Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s first annual general meeting held last December.

Pakatan comprises PKR, DAP, Pribumi and Parti Amanah Negara.

