DAP’s Chen Man Hin disappointed that party not using rocket logo in GE14

(The Star) – DAP founding member Dr Chen Man Hin is disappointed that the party has decided not to use its signature rocket logo in the 14th General Election.

The 93-year-old DAP veteran said he was saddened by the move but would not interfere in party affairs.

“I am sad that they agreed to ditch the rocket for a common Pakatan Harapan logo.

“I will not interfere in DAP affairs but will surely convey my unhappiness to Lim Kit Siang and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng,” he told Sin Chew in an interview. 

Dr Chen said as far as he was concerned, the DAP should continue to use its own logo.

“I fail to understand why we decided against using it.

“My only worry is that the older party members will be confused when they cast their ballots and this can affect our performance,” he said.

Dr Chan admitted that he was shocked when he first heard about the party’s decision not to use the rocket logo.

DAP had confirmed that it will not contest in the general election under its signature rocket logo, and will instead use a common logo under Pakatan Harapan.

“We have met and we have decided to use a common logo. This isn’t an easy decision for the party but DAP agrees to use a common logo,” Guan Eng told a press conference in Parliament lobby on Thursday (April 5).

