GE14: It’s not the choice, but the question that drives us

“Yes, these are people attempting to imprint the words “1MDB,” “kleptocrat” and “RM42 billion” in your minds by amplifying them through the thoughts of the collective. Their mission is to send you to the voting booth in blind rage by pumping your veins with anger-juice. Perhaps, they’re riding on the idea that the ink of perception is indelible and a million times harder to erase than the ink of reason and sensibility”


The human mind.

Ask any scientist what it is, and he (or she) will speak of neurochemical activity and the firing of neurons. Ask a psychologist what it is, and you’ll be treated with theories of consciousness and how your mind defines your being. They’re really the same people looking through different peepholes. Which is why, you already have scientists today meeting psychologists halfway and saying, “I think we may have missed out on a crucial element.”

On the 29th of September 2016, world renowned psychiatrist Dan Siegel told Psychology Today that the mind was more than a product of the brain, that we humans have an “interconnected mind” that serves as the basis to a collective wisdom. While the revelation helped unravel some mysteries related to the human psyche, all Siegel did was to breathe new life into a centuries old theory suggesting that the collective human conscience was interconnected at levels beyond comprehension of structured science.

And that makes it two avenues with which your thoughts are guided. On the one hand, you’re bombarded with physical and emotional experiences every second of your waking hours in ways that skew your views and opinions towards certain extremes. On the other hand, you’re being affected every second of your being by the thoughts of a collective that’s subconsciously and metaphysically projected onto yours. And the end result?

Sweet harmony in chaos.

Just when you thought you were in control of your mind, at some obscure level and through some grand design, you’re not. All you are is a contributor to a set of random interactions and responses that physicists – who’re inclined to look through their own distinct peepholes – measure as entropy. At some point, that randomness collapses into a wave of notes that propagate through time in melodic harmony.



