Dr M questions need for EC’s approval to use PKR logo

(The Star) – Pakatan Harapan is questioning why approval from the Election Commission (EC) is needed for its candidates to use the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) logo in the 14th General Election.

Without mincing his words, Pakatan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said they would not heed the EC and forge ahead with its plans to use the PKR logo.

“Was such law or regulation made this morning (Saturday)?

“We will not accept this decision made by one man and we will use our symbol,” he said in reference to EC chairman Tan Sri Mohd Hashim.

Mohd Hashim was quoted by a local Malay daily on Saturday that the use of any party logo must be approved by the EC, and that it had not received any official notice to use the PKR logo.

On Friday, Dr Mahathir had announced in at an event in Pasir Gidang that Pakatan parties – including the temporarily disbanded Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia – would be contesting the 14th General Election using the PKR logo.

