Rafidah Aziz plagiarised the MINDEF posting

Eric See-To

When Rafidah Aziz posted the allegations about MINDEF using her own name, it looked really familiar, as I had read it before.

Looking back, I discovered that this allegation had been shared on WhatsApp anonymously more than a month before.

The allegations were so ridiculous and far-fetched that I dismissed it outright.

(Both TS Muhyiddin and Shafie were also in cabinet at that time and right up to 2015 so they would have been the first to share it with Mahathir and it would have been a big issue 3 years before Rafidah “exposed” it. And plus, specifics such as what is the company name or who are the three persons that MINDEF had transferred the land to were missing. And plus, if these were real then various MINDEF employees would have long exposed this).

So I did a search and found that I had received the exact same allegation on 10th March 2018 – a month BEFORE Rafidah posted the same thing and claimed credit for it using her own name. (If she wants me to show her proof, I can go see her and show her my phone).

Did Rafidah write that previous WhatsApp message before as a cyber-trooper or is she now putting her name to lend legitimacy to these claims now?

Is this because elections are now near that you want to make such allegations (same as the 40,000 Bangladeshi allegations) since there is less time for the government to respond?

In any case, MINDEF had denied these ridiculous allegations and said it is all rubbish.

Perhaps Rafidah should give us more proof of her allegations instead of just a bare accusation?

