Sarawak BN can win at least 26 seats, three Chinese areas turn from black to grey area

(Malaysian Chinese News) – According to latest survey, Sarawak Barisan Nasional likely to win 26 seats where the result will be better than last General Election.

Sin Chew Daily learned that the survey, carried out through various channels, show Stampin, Sarikei, and Lanang have turned from black to grey. Among them Sarikei is most optimistic.

Kuching, Sibu and Miri are still ‘dark areas’

Sarawak has a total of 31 parliamentary seats where 25 of them are won by Sarawak BN. These seats are considered ‘white area’ of BN. The rest of six seats are under the opposition where five of them won by DAP: Kuching, Stampin, Sarikei, Sibu and Lanang. PKR owned one seat Miri.

Sarawak Chief Minister cum BN chairman Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari said he wanted to re-capture Stampin, Sarikei and Miri. These three seats are classified as one black and two grey. BN would have to put in extra effort during campaigning period to win them.

It is learned that some agencies have included the 11th Sarawak state election in 2016 as consideration. However, some leaders disagree as state election is different from general election. Voters are different in sentiment.

Two seats can be won if SUPP and UPP join hand

Sarawak University political studies professor Dr Jeniri Amir said Sarawak BN’s best result is winning 28 seats.

He told Sin Chew Daily that if Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) and United People’s Party (UPP) work closely, BN is capable of winning back Sarikei and Sibu. According to state election results, Bawang Assan and Nangka state seats under Sibu were captured by BN and it only lost Pelawan state seat. If the votes won by BN in these three states were added up, they were 7,400 votes more than the opposition.

Jeniri Amir said if BN were to field suitable candidate who is accepted by the voters in Miri, BN should be able to win back the seat. He is of the view that Piasau state assemblyman Datuk Sebastian Ting is the best candidate.

Drastic change in voter demographic due to re-delineation, Stampin is most uncertain

After re-delineation, Batu Lintang state seat under Stampin is now under Kuching. This has changed the voter demographic in Stampin. The scenario of BN suffering humiliating defeat with 18,670 votes would not be repeated.

SUPP president Datuk Sim Kui Hian is said to be fielded for Stampin. He is seen as the most winnable candidates by BN. DAP MP for Stampin Tan Kok Ping has made it clear he will not be seeking re-election. DAP is fielding new blood Dr Kelvin Yii in Stampin parliamentary seat.

Sarikei is likely to make a comeback

Compared to Stampin and Lanang, Sarikei is the seat most likely to be captured by BN. Teng Ung Woo from SUPP, political secretary to Sarawak Chief Minister has started to move on the ground. His opponent is likely the current DAP MP Andrew Wong Ling Biu. Teng has received the support from Repok state assemblyman Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii and Meradong state assemblyman Datuk Ding Kuong Hiing. This has increased his chances of winning. In Lanang, Alice Lau Kiong Yieng of DAP defeated Datuk Tiong Thai King of SUPP with majority votes of 8,630 in last election.

Judging from the results, DAP had won the seat easily then. But the state election result in 2016 revealed that voters in Bukit Assek and Dudong were back to support BN. BN won Dudong with 2,146 votes but lost Bukit Assek with 4,497 votes

Alice Liu will continue to be fielded by DAP in Lanang. SUPP may field Dudong division deputy chairman Kelvin Kong or Bukit Assek branch youth chief Joseph Chieng.

