DAP’s all-out war against MCA, Gerakan a big loss to community

(Sin Chew Daily) – This tactic would ultimately eliminate some of the best Malaysian Chinese politicians whichever side wins the elections.

Gerakan Rakyat advisor Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said DAP’s strategy of fielding its strongest candidates against BN’s top Chinese representatives would put the local Chinese community in a dilemma.

He lamented that this tactic would ultimately eliminate some of the best Malaysian Chinese politicians whichever side wins the elections.

During an interview with Sin Chew Daily, the former Penang chief minister said the same strategy was previously used when Lim Kit Siang challenged him and Lim Chong Eu in the 1986 and 1990 elections.

He said this phenomenon never occurred in Malay politics.

“Straight fights between the strongest Malay candidates never happened in the past 60 years.”

He said even Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar Ibrahim never clashed directly with then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the elections no matter how much they hated him.

“Why must the strongest Chinese politicians fight among themselves? The defeat of any of them will be a big loss to the entire Chinese community.”
