PAS president challenges priest to run for office

(MMO) – Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang told Christian priests who want to be involved in local politics to contest in local polls, after a Catholic bishop reportedly urged parishioners to pray for change in the general election.

Accusing churches of being fronts for DAP, he said his party’s clergymen did not use their religion as an excuse not to be involved in politics.

“If PAS ulama can enter the political fray in their robes and serban to contest in elections, then I challenge them (Christian priests) to also dive into the political arena with the parties of their choice, without defrocking themselves,” he said in a statement on Harakahdaily.

Commenting further on remarks by Bishop of Malacca-Johor Diocese Rev Bernard Paul, Hadi claimed the call was part of an alleged plot to “colonise” the local Muslim community and strip them of their constitutional safeguards.

The PAS president further claimed that this was an inherent part of the Christian missionary mindset.

Hadi went on to claim he could deduce how DAP drew its inspiration from this and gained the courage to allegedly challenge the Federal Constitution, undermine Islam and weaken the Malay Rulers’ powers.

“Secular parties are protected by churches to carry on the colonial legacy,” he said.

This was patent in their objection to his attempt to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal) Jurisdiction Act, he added.

Paul reportedly issued two church circulars this month, one on April 10 urging prayers for divine intercession and change in GE14 and another a day later saying it was time to “free ourselves from “oppressive demoralising ‘deadwoods’, who lie to themselves, that they ‘mendahulukan rakyat’ (put the people first)”.

The motto of Barisan Nasional’s 1Malaysia concept is “Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan”.

