Anwar should not be in prison, says Theresa May

And all this just because one Mat Salleh somewhere decided that since the Bible is against sodomy then this should be made a crime in Malaysia and any man who buggers another man should be sent to jail for 20 years. And just because of that Mahathir now has a party to contest under and a logo to use in GE14. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Theresa May apologises to Malaysia for making sodomy a crime

Last week, British Prime Minister Theresa May apologised to all the ex-British colonies for the anti-gay and sodomy laws that the British imposed on them, many of those countries which still have those laws. Theresa May said it was wrong and should not have happened. She also asked all those ex-British colonies to repeal those laws as no one should be punished just because they are gay or commit the act of sodomy.

If Britain had not made sodomy a crime, Anwar Ibrahim would never have been arrested and jailed on 20th September 1998. Parti Keadilan Nasional with its ‘Black Eye’ logo would never have been launched on 14th April 1999. And, today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad would not be able to contest the 14th General Election on 9th May 2018 using the ‘Black Eye’ logo and everyone would have to contest GE14 using the ‘Rocket’ logo instead.

If not because of the fact that Britain made sodomy a crime in Malaysia, this flag would never have been created and Mahathir would not have a logo to use

And all this just because one Mat Salleh somewhere decided that since the Bible is against sodomy then this should be made a crime in Malaysia and any man who buggers another man should be sent to jail for 20 years. And just because of that Mahathir now has a party to contest under and a logo to use in GE14.


Britain’s sodomy law resulted in Anwar’s arrest and the birth of PKR or else Mahathir would need to contest GE14 under the ‘Rocket’ and not the ‘Black Eye’

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May called upon Commonwealth nations to repeal their anti-gay sodomy laws following pressure from the local LGBTQ community. In a meeting with the heads of government who lead the former British territories, May claimed she deeply regrets the country’s history of pushing laws targeting homosexuality. During the colonial era, Britain imposed anti-sodomy codes on many of the cultures it occupied.

As May pointed out, the centuries-old laws have left a legacy of discrimination, violence, and death that persists today. “Nobody should face discrimination or persecution because of who they are or who they love and the U.K. stands ready to help any Commonwealth member wanting to reform outdated legislation that makes such discrimination possible,” she said on Monday, 17 April 2018.

Because Anwar was jailed for sodomy, DAP’s ‘Rocket’ is not going to be seen in GE14

