Clare Brown keeps setting the stupidity bar to record highs (part one)

Clare Rewcastle Brown keeps setting and resetting the bar on stupidity and mendacity to record highs.

She told a 2nd of August 2017 Case Management Hearing at the London High Court that she ignored a letter by Hadi’s lawyers as “none of them (the lawyers’ letters she receives) end up in court.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to accuse the Malaysian judiciary and Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak of being corrupt and complicit with Hadi.

The judge more or less told her off and ruled that Najib wasn’t in any way corrupt.


If one were to bestow awards for originality in fake coverage, Clare Rewcastle Brown would immediately claim the title for “Queen of Fiction.” There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that she sets the bar on stupidity and mendacity to ridiculous highs, highs even Mohamad Sabu may never have witnessed before. Talk about folks who don’t exist, and there she is, right up there, giving you the latest from Lincoln’s grave. Talk about bribes that never took place, and you can count on her to number the millions and tell stories even Hitchcock couldn’t match.


