Chicken Little is back


You know, I have never like Tony Pua very much since quite a while, well, probably first in my early blogging days when we had an accidental encounter. From our interactions, I then thought TP for a DAP politician was very proud and arrogant (difference between the two words).

The next occasion was when I reckoned he was easily ‘misled’ (polite word used there, wakakaka) by PKR into stupidly playing Chicken Little in the biggest PKR bullshit ever, the rancid Kajang Satay MF-story, of how supposedly that by-election was necessary to prevent BN from sweeping into Selangor and also vital in positioning Anwar Ibrahim and his hordes steps nearer to Putrajaya, wakakaka.

Subsequently we were to learn from PKR’s Latheefa Koya that the Kajang Move to cause/create a by-election was Rafizi Ramli’s lil’ gambit to outflank his chief rival in PKR, Azmin Ali.

Thus, when a silly Chinaman resigned from Kajang to facilitate that by-election (and wasting public monies), many of the party’s and coalition’s leaders were not informed of it in advance. Only TP saw fit to play Chicken Little.


