And the Pakatan revenge begins

No, I am not playing the victim, as some of you say. I am merely saying that in defeat we pay the price. And I am paying that price, which I openly accept. If it makes you happy to curse me then continue to do so. If you feel that my freedoms of opinion, thought, speech and choice should not be allowed since they differ from yours, so be it. This is, after all, the ‘New Reformed Malaysia’ under Pakatan Harapan.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

If I received RM1 for every for every ‘idiot’, and many other curse words that the Pakatan Harapan supporters have been throwing at me over the last two days alone, I would be quite a rich man.

Yes, Pakatan Harapan won the 14th general election two days ago and now their supporters are flooding Malaysia Today, plus my Facebook and Twitter, to curse me. That, I suppose, is what you get when you are, as they say, on the wrong side of history.

The hatred against me they are demonstrating, and the verbal abuse they are subjecting me to, is because I am not on their side in opposing Umno and Barisan Nasional. I made no secret of that very early in the day in 2015 and I made no apologies for it. And the Pakatan Harapan supporters are making sure that I know what they think of me for doing that.

I understand that to the Pakatan Harapan supporters I chose the wrong side. No doubt I can argue that Malaysia allows freedom of choice and I made my choice. But that choice, to the Pakatan Harapan supporters, was the wrong choice and I must pay for that serious error in judgement.

The attacks and verbal abuse will probably go on for a few more months, or until the Pakatan Harapan supporters find someone new or something new to attack. They have suggested that Malaysia extradite me from the UK and bring me home to Malaysia to be placed under ISA or detention without trial.

I was not even aware that that law still exists or that you can extradite someone for detention without trial. And I remember reading some time ago that Pakatan Harapan is opposed to detention without trial. Yet their supporters want me to be detained without trial.

Hundreds upon hundreds of Pakatan Harapan supporters told me to shut up (or STFU). And that was just over the last two days alone. They said they no longer want me to open my mouth or write any more articles. Some suggested that Malaysia Today be closed down. Others said that the new Pakatan Harapan government should block Malaysia Today and not allow it to be accessed from Malaysia.

Yes, as I said in my article yesterday, ‘GE14: Mother of all elections indeed it was’ (READ HERE):

Malaysian politics is a winner takes all and losers lose all game. And Malaysian politics is a game of patronage and punishment. So many are going to be rewarded for Pakatan’s win and many are going to be slaughtered for going against Pakatan. That is how it works. And Pakatan has promised to hunt down Najib and make sure he goes to jail. That is what you get for being the political enemy of those who walk in the corridors of power.

I have said this before and I will say it again. Freedoms of opinion, thought, speech and choice are allowed as long as you agree with me. If you do not then you are not allowed freedoms of opinion, thought, speech and choice.

Over the last two days the Pakatan Harapan supporters have made it clear this is what the ‘New Reformed Malaysia’ under Pakatan Harapan is all about. And they have told me in no uncertainty they will never allow me back in Malaysia and that I must die in England, and they hope that will be sooner rather than later.

Yes, beware those who go against popular sentiments. Follow the trend and you will be safe. If not, prepare for doom. I made my bed and I must now lie in it. It is a choice I made and the Pakatan Harapan supporters are making me pay for that choice.

No, I am not playing the victim, as some of you say. I am merely saying that in defeat we pay the price. And I am paying that price, which I openly accept. If it makes you happy to curse me then continue to do so. If you feel that my freedoms of opinion, thought, speech and choice should not be allowed since they differ from yours, so be it. This is, after all, the ‘New Reformed Malaysia’ under Pakatan Harapan.

