The Co-conspirators

The person who aided and abetted is also equally guilty.

Mohanjeet Singh

Whilst I thank the police for their swift action in tackling corruption (I refer to their recent raid that confiscated many luxury bags, cash and jewelry from a condo in Pavillion), I am perplexed…..why now?

The big question that comes to my mind is this…..what if Pakatan Harapan did not win the election? Would all these raids still be done? The corruption still continues? The raping of the country still continues?

This is where we have to ask ourselves this question. What was PDRM, MACC doing all this while? The past 10 years, what were they doing?

Also, the whole BN machinery with its 2 million members…..none of them did not do anything the past 10 years…..why?

Another pertinent question, the whole Cabinet and all the Ministers, Deputy Ministers in Barisan Nasional…..why did they keep quiet all this while?

As our guardians and as our politicians, they are supposed to keep our country safe and clean. I am sure they all knew about all the corruption, expensive handbags and jewelry. We all, the 30 million rakyat knew about this, so, obviously, all the Ministers and the Deputy Ministers also would have known about this.

Why did they keep quiet?

This is as good as aiding and abetting a crime. This means, the person who aided and abetted is also equally guilty.

We have to ask ourselves this question….why did all the BN Ministers, Deputies in the Cabinet keep quiet on this matter to the extent that the country had accumulated 1 trillion in debt.

I end with what I said….what if Pakatan Harapan did not win. What would happen to Malaysia?
