Alamak! It was Brader who had proposed Tommy Thomas for AG in the first place! What the…

Syed Akbar Ali

So far I have heard TWO versions of this story.

One version is the wife had proposed Tommy Thomas for the AG’s post at the Council of Presidents of Pakatan Harapan.

So this means it  was NOT the DAP who proposed Tommy Thomas ??

It goes without saying that the Brader would have been in the know as well.

Then the other version says it was the Brader himself who had proposed Tommy Thomas as the candidate for AG – from as far back as BEFORE the elections. Wow !! This  is what my sources say.

Tommy Thomas was in the Brader’s legal team when he was entangled with the law before.

If you go here you will hear the Brader talking of yet more conspiracies against him. Conspiracies, conspiracies, conspiracies. Tak habis, habis conspiracies.

In the video above the Brader says that he does not want to become the Prime Minister now because Dr Mahathir is undertaking the more challenging task of transforming the country.

He says (quite point blank)  that he would rather take over AFTER Dr Mahathir has put the country in place and on a better footing.

That is not a very inspiring statement from someone who wants to be Prime Minister of 32 million people.    He has no idea how to manage the more “challenging” situation.   Dont believe me? Go and listen to the video carefully. Kekawan, jangan jadi bodoh dan terus bodoh.  Ok?   Dia nak tumpang toi  bawah payung Tun Dr Mahathir !!

Anyway tomorrow is the big gathering of the PKR MPs and ADUNs.

I think the hoi polloi supporters  are going to hear more about Yusuf Qardhawi, Sun Tzu, Adam Smith, William Shakespeare  maybe also Bottega Veneta and Consuelo Castiglioni. The last two were great philosophers in the stilisti schools of middle Italy.

The hoi polloi will say, “Fuiyyo,  filo-sofa Italy pun Pak Sheikh kita boleh faham. Fuiyyo”.

To the Braders handlers  (if there is such a thing)  tell the Brader to prepare some notes and speak about things that are more substantial lah, more profound.

Just oratory, oratory, oratory is making him sound less and less clever.  Your problem is this man is not very clever. He does not say anything profound or of much substance.

As I said, prepare some notes about the SST lah.  It is very relevant for the country.  What are his views on the SST?

“I saved the country, I saved the Malay Rulers, I saved the Muslims, I saved the whales, I saved the katak pisang, I saved the world” is going to become quite boring – very quickly.  Mark my words.

