Umno post-GE14, just more of the same?

Umno needs to reset its direction following its loss in GE14.

By TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

The more I look at Umno, the more it looks the same, regardless of whether it was before or after May 9.

Except for Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Mohamad Hasan who are vying for the post of president and deputy president respectively, the rest, including Khairy Jamaluddin, are only contending for vice-presidency. I wonder why. Everyone is talking about change, and yet they are all so predictable and conventional.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad might have said this jokingly or sarcastically, but he was right: now is the most opportune time for Khairy to contest the post of party president. This is not about greed or personal ambition. This is about who is more suitable and less tainted.

A party in disarray and entropy needs new leadership and direction. It is useless to only narrate the same old story.

Umno can pretend to continue talking about “bangsa, agama dan negara”, but we know it is futile. If it had really fought for these ideals, I’m quite sure the people would still be with it.

Sometimes I wonder why it is so difficult for them to see the elephant in the room. Umno lost simply because the country was left on autopilot while its leaders were preoccupied with Hermes Birkin; obscene shopping trips in Milan, London and New York; golfing; jet-setting; extravagant wedding feasts; opulent living; and billions moving in and out without leaving a trace.

Which leaders from among the potential candidates have admitted to the excesses so far? Who among them have openly condemned the failings and abuses committed? If we fail to admit our mistakes, I don’t think we can ever learn anything.

Everyone is playing safe, saying the most politically correct things and avoiding the contest for the number 1 and 2 posts in the party. You call this change? It looks like more of the same to me.

