Resignation as Head of Media and Communications of the Council of Eminent Persons

A Kadir Jasin

I have, with immediate effect, resigned as Head of Media and Communications of the Council of Eminent Persons.

This is solely my decision in order to avoid further confusion among members of the public regarding my role in the Council and the views I expressed in my Blog and in my weekly column in the Sinar Harian newspaper.

I have been diligently stating in the preamble of my Blog post that whatever views expressed therein were entirely mine.I was writing in my personal capacity as a blogger and had nothing to do whatsoever with whatever position I might hold.

However, that did not stop journalists and others quoting from the Blog from stating that I am the Head of Media and Communications of the Council of Eminent Persons

To avoid embarrassment to the Council and any possible conflict of interest on my part, I offered my resignation and was accepted by the Chairman, Tun Daim Zainuddin.

I thank the Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin for their trust and confidence in me.

I also thank staff of the Media and Communication Unit for their diligence and hard work.

I will continue to serve our beloved country and its people in the best way that I know how, which is with the nip of my pen.

Thank You. God bless.

