Top judges’ resignations should have been immediate – not delayed!

Illegal appointees have no right to sit in judgment of cases and make judgments that may not be binding for want of sanctity in their very appointment.

P Ramakrishnan, Former President of Aliran

In what would seem as no way out, both the Chief Justice, Md Raus Sharif, and the Court of Appeal President, Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin, have at last chosen to resign. It was the only sensible thing to do.

They have hit the cul-de-sac and there was no room for manoeuvering their way out of this tight situation without the presence of the former BN regime to shield them. With the fall of their political masters, their fall was inevitable.

But their resignations should not have a caveat to resign only on July 31. Why July 31? Their resignations should have been immediate – not delayed. Their positions have become untenable.

They had no right to hold on to their positions after their mandatory retirement – Aug. 3 for Md Raus andSept. 27 for Zulkefli last year – since their extension is, at the very best, in dispute.

All the cases that they presided upon after their mandatory retirement are questionable and these cases must be reviewed. Illegal appointees have no right to sit in judgment of cases and make judgments that may not be binding for want of sanctity in their very appointment. And that is why they should not remain in office even a day longer.

They cannot hold on to their position until July 31. Their position is untenable and indefensible and the only way out is to go out immediately!

It is said, “People leave when life becomes untenable where they are.”
