Is Najib’s trial just the beginning or the end?

But no, they will not go after Mahathir and Abdullah. And this is because this is not about cleaning up Malaysia. This is about Mahathir’s revenge on Najib. Mahathir wants to finish off Najib and then stop there. They say this is about 61 years of Barisan Nasional’s misrule, abuse of power and corruption. But they are going to investigate just five years of that 61 years since 2013 and not the entire 61 years, or 37 years since Mahathir took over as Prime Minister in 1981.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This family is worth far more than Najib’s and they, too, cannot explain where their wealth came from

The international media talks about decades of misrule, abuse of power and corruption in Malaysia finally ending on 9th May 2018 when Barisan Nasional lost the general election after 61 years in power.

First of all, Barisan Nasional has been around only since 1973, which makes it 45 years old and not 61 as they report. Even if Barisan Nasional has been around since Merdeka of 31st August 1957 (which would make it 61 years old in three months’ time), the first general election was held in 1959 and not in 1957, which was 59 and not 61 years ago.

So how could Barisan Nasional mismanage the country for 61 years when GE1 was held 59 years ago and Barisan Nasional is only 45 years old?

This book explains how Umno does business and became wealthy since the time Mahathir took over as Prime Minister in 1981

You may say dates are not important. But they are. First of all, it shows many people do not really know Malaysia or have not done proper research on the subject they are writing about (which means their opinions are suspect). Secondly, if dates are not important, then why make a big fuss when Anwar Ibrahim was charged for sodomising Azizan Abu Bakar on a date when the building had not been built yet?

(Anyway, the date of the offence was changed in the charge sheet to a date AFTER the building had been completed and BEFORE Azizan stopped working for Dr Wan Azizah Ismail so that the defence cannot use this ‘technicality’ to get Anwar off).

Okay, now that we have got that out of the way, let us go back to the statement the foreign news reports make that ‘after 61 years or after decades of Barisan Nasional’s rule, Malaysia is finally going to see an end to misrule, abuse of power and corruption’.

Mahathir said Abdullah Badawi is the most corrupt Prime Minister in Malaysian history

This would mean for 61 years since 31st August 1957 Malaysia suffered misrule, abuse of power and corruption. And that would make Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak Hussein, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, plus, of course, Najib Tun Razak all equally guilty of misrule, abuse of power and corruption.

And since 9th May 2018, when Pakatan Harapan took over and appointed Mahathir their Prime Minister, all this ended, or so they say.

So, Malaysia had been mismanaged and was plagued with misrule, abuse of power and corruption for 61 years since 31st August 1957. And out of those 61 years, Najib was Prime Minister for just nine years (which means not for DECADES as reported). The other 52 years were under another five Prime Ministers. Two of those five Prime Minister, Mahathir and Abdullah, are still alive.

Jomo will tell you the corruption in Umno started when Mahathir took over as Prime Minister in 1981 and Daim Zainuddin became the Finance Minister in 1984 followed by Anwar Ibrahim in 1991

The press is saying that the arrest and prosecution of Najib is to end 61 years of misrule, abuse of power and corruption, which means under six Prime Ministers, of whom three are still alive. But are they only going to prosecute Najib when the misrule, abuse of power and corruption is said to involve six Prime Ministers, Mahathir and Abdullah included?

We will see whether this is just to get Najib or is really about cleaning up the country. Clearly Mahathir’s and Abdullah’s children and grandchildren can never explain where their enormous wealth came from. If the MACC were to raid all those properties belonging to or known to be linked to Mahathir and Abdullah (like they did with Najib) they will find more than the so-called RM1 billion they found allegedly belonging to Najib.

The misrule, abuse of power and corruption was NOT a 61-year-old problem, like the media reports. It only started 37 years ago (not 61 years ago) when Mahathir became Prime Minister. Ask all those members of the Council of Eminent Persons, especially Jomo Kwame Sundaram. He will tell you the rot started the day Mahathir took over from Hussein Onn as Malaysia’s fourth Prime Minister.

These three ripped off the country to the tune of RM100-200 billion for 22 years and are still doing it until today yet only Najib is facing trial

But no, they will not go after Mahathir and Abdullah. And this is because this is not about cleaning up Malaysia. This is about Mahathir’s revenge on Najib. Mahathir wants to finish off Najib and then stop there. They say this is about 61 years of Barisan Nasional’s misrule, abuse of power and corruption. But they are going to investigate just five years of that 61 years since 2013 and not the entire 61 years, or 37 years since Mahathir took over as Prime Minister in 1981.

Of course, as an excuse for just going after Najib and no one else, they will say that is because Mahathir and Abdullah have taubat or repented while Najib has not. But then they taubat but did not return the RM100-200 billion of the rakyat’s money they stole. They taubat and keep their ill-gotten wealth. And Malaysians are okay with this. Keep the billions you stole but just say sorry. Then we will leave you alone.

Anyway, let’s see what DAP has to say about GST and Maggie Mee now.


