Lim Kit Siang playing with fire


Well, I posted that mad obsession of Lim KS weeks ago, though after careful sifting through and analysis of his nonsense I reckon he probably might have an assigned objective, namely to kacau, kacau, kacau to distract the rakyat from his Tuan Tertinggi‘s continuous capati.

Secondly, he now wants to debate with Najib, a backbencher, on Islam.

Is Lim KS a Muslim? If he isn’t, then who is he to debate Islam with a Muslim?

Very very disrespectful, but such is his devotion to his Tuan Tertinggi and thus his obsession with everything and anything to do with Najib, that he is willing to to intrude into hitherto out-of-bounds area for nons.

Lim KS has riposted that it’s not Najib he is obsessed with but 1MDB and the alleged money-laundering scandal.

But isn’t the PDRM now investigating the issue, with Pakatan announcing Najib will soon be shortly charged?

Why then is Lim KS still baiting Najib? Yup, not just about 1MDB but Najib’s sitting position in Parliament, etc.

To answer that, we can only come back to Lim KS’ devotion to his Tuan Tertinggi’s assigned duty for him.

Once I mentioned, that the powers that-be will get Najib one way or another, and the available causes will be:

(a) 1MDB, if that fails then,

(b) Murder of Altantuyaa, if that fails then,

(c) Najib’s tax returns, if that fails then,

(d) His son’s dalliance with a Taiwanese actress, if that fails then,

(e) the distracting colour of Najib’s underwear, etc etc etc.

Frankly, Najib won’t have a snowflake’s chance in Hell as someone very very powerful is fuming, raging and foaming at the mouth to get him, one way or another, whatever. Such is the fury surpassing even that of Hell by a imperialistic mentor scorned. Is Lim KS playing an important part in the vicious venomous vendetta?

But I return to Lim KS’ response to Najib that it’s 1MDB he is obsessed about.

I wonder why and whether he is still obsessed about the issues he had raved and ranted over for 30 years?

If not, why?


