It’s true – China hired hackers to target us. Here’s why

The Third Force

Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his ‘trusted’ economic advisor, Daim Zainuddin, have succeeded in pissing China off beyond all measures of belief.

After having toyed with the Chinese government’s patience by threatening to cancel all Chinese-backed projects, they expected the northern republic to submit to their wishes, thinking that Chinese premier Li Keqiang was desperate to venture with Malaysia in deep sea drilling within the Western Edge of the South China Sea.

As a matter of fact, Mahathir even preceded his visit to China with a working visit to Japan and requested Japanese premier Shinzo Abe to extend Malaysia a ¥1 trillion loan.

He was under the impression that the move would jolt China into a state of dissatisfaction seeing that Malaysia valued the Japanese more than they did the Chinese.

Mahathir believed that China was desperate enough to secure the Malacca Straits and the South China Sea with military presence that its government would agree to any terms set by Daim when renegotiating the ECRL and gas pipeline projects.

But the move backfired.

Just as Daim was about to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the MACC conducted two raids on offices linked to a Chinese state-owned firm that the DAP’s Tony Pua informed Shukri was linked to 1MDB.

Wang has since triggered a ‘temporary’ ban on the signing of new deals with Malaysia and convinced Chinese premier Li Keqiang to cut down drastically on China’s purchase of Malaysian palm oil.

Japan, on the other hand, has refused Mahathir the ¥1 trillion loan and told him that the country wasn’t exactly in great financial shape.

Mahathir already knows that Malaysia’s relations with China has hit rock bottom, that no matter what he says or does, there is no way the Chinese government could inflict more torture on us.

That explains why he issued a warning to the People’s Republic “against further militarising the South China Sea” and threatened again to cancel all Chinese-backed mega-projects.

But China remains unfazed.


