Forex scandal, Indonesian sex-boy or Sodomy 3: Plans considered to destroy Anwar

The Third Force

Datin Seri Wan Azizah claims there is no conspiracy to foil Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s bid to become Prime Minister (see news item below).

But she is wrong.

As we speak, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has not one, not two, but three plots contrived by his people and a certain female member of his family to ensure that Anwar is implicated of yet another crime that could see him end up in jail.

The plots are as follows:

Plot 1: Sodomy 3

Mahathir and gang have already identified a young boy that they’re planning to toss towards Anwar as bait and wait for the soon-to-be PKR president to strike.

Plot 2: Forex Scandal

Mahathir has in his possession a document that was signed by Anwar while serving as Minister of Finance. The Prime Minister believes that the document will help prove that Anwar was just as much involved in the nineties forex scandal as was the then Governor of Bank Negara, the late Tan Sri Jaafar Hussein.

Plot 3: Indonesian sex scandal

Mahathir has in his possession video footage showing Anwar having fun with toy boys in Indonesia.


