Mahathir gostarn-ing on ECRL?


As I had written in an earlier post, Mahathir did NOT succeed in his attempts to persuade Chinese leaders to accept him withdrawing from projects contracted with China without any penalties.At most, China might have allowed a longer period for Malaysia to settle the compensations. They might have offered Mahathir ‘tea & sympathy’ but probably ended up saying, “Business is business, we cannot interfere with the companies who signed those contracts with Malaysia”.

I gather that unfavourable outcome for Mahathir after reading the Hong Kong English daily, the Southern China Morning Post, which tells a different story from what Malaysian press reported, that Mahathir did succeed in his reach-out to China and that Chinese leaders understood him.

But alas, no, the Malaysian look-good news might have been the diplomatic gloss and frills of the visit, but they didn’t reveal the Chinese very firm stand on compensations.
Mahathir was probably so stunned by the quantum of the compensation required by the Chinese that he showed his anger when he uttered rather dejectedly:

“If we have to pay compensation, we have to pay. This is the stupidity of the negotiations before. We must find a way to exit these projects … this is our own people’s stupidity.”

He has blamed Najib’s “stupidity” for not having an exit clause to the projects’ contracts, but Najib came back with a challenge which Mahathir has yet to respond to, namely, to hold a RCI on the project contracts and exit clauses, which Najib assured us do exist.

