Don’t blame the AG, it was the PM who freed Guan Eng
Now, case closed. No need to explain. Guan Eng has been acquitted by the court after the charges against him were dropped by the Attorney-General, Tommy Thomas. And in that one move Malaysia Today has been proven to be telling the truth. And the story that Kit Siang will support Mahathir to become Prime Minister, and in return the corruption case against Guan Eng will be dropped, is now The Gospel and no lie.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Many people say they do not bother to read Malaysia Today any longer because they do not believe what Malaysia Today says. Some call what Malaysia Today writes a spin, others call it lies, or Umno propaganda, and so on.
Anyway, whether you think Malaysia Today spins, lies, or propagates Umno-BN propaganda does not matter. What matters is whether what Malaysia Today writes comes true in the end or not. And in the Lim Guan Eng corruption case it did come true, 100%.
You support me to become PM and I will make sure your son stays out of jail
Those who have been following Malaysia Today over the last 40 months or so since March 2015 (when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad started his attacks on Najib Tun Razak) will remember that Malaysia Today said Lim Kit Siang will support Mahathir to become Prime Minister and in return Mahathir will make sure Lim Guan Eng does not go to jail for corruption.
Many pooh-poohed this ‘spin’ and said all sorts of nasty things about me. Even when Mahathir appointed Guan Eng his new Finance Minister many still did not believe that Kit Siang and Mahathir had made a deal.
Why would Mahathir want to make Guan Eng his Finance Minister unless he knew that the charges against Guan Eng are going to be dropped? If Mahathir makes Guan Eng the Finance Minister and Guan Eng gets convicted and gets sent to jail would that not be a disaster for Mahathir?
You become PM and I become your FM, okay?
I mean, you knew Guan Eng was facing trial for corruption and yet you make him your Finance Minister. Then you say Najib, who at that time had not been charged yet, must resign from office because he is suspected of stealing 1MDB’s money.
Najib is merely a suspect and he must resign. Guan Eng has been charged and he is made Finance Minister. How does Mahathir explain that? And, worse still, how will Mahathir explain it if Guan Eng is convicted and gets sent to jail?
Now, case closed. No need to explain. Guan Eng has been acquitted by the court after the charges against him were dropped by the Attorney-General, Tommy Thomas. And in that one move Malaysia Today has been proven to be telling the truth. And the story that Kit Siang will support Mahathir to become Prime Minister, and in return the corruption case against Guan Eng will be dropped, is now The Gospel and no lie.