The AG ordered the evidence against Guan Eng destroyed and the charges dropped

The only answer we have at this stage is the evidence that would have sent Guan Eng to jail has already been destroyed. So even if they want to still go on with the trial it is of no use. The WhatsApp and text messages plus e-mails and tape-recorded conversations no longer exist. Guan Eng has been repaid for DAP allowing Mahathir to become Prime Minister.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

According to the MACC, they had an air-tight case against Lim Guan Eng and there was no way he can escape once that case goes to trial. The MACC has WhatsApp and text messages plus e-mails and tape-recorded conversations to prove that there was corruption and that the sale of the bungalow below market value was as gratification for certain favours given to the seller.

The case against Guan Eng is as strong as the one against Khir Toyo, said MACC, and Guan Eng will be going to jail just like Khir Toyo did.

So, they could not afford for this case to go to trial. Some say Guan Eng should allow the trial to go on so that he can clear his name (bersihkan nama dia) in a trial. But that is the whole problem. If the trial goes on Guan Eng will not be able to clear his name. In fact, the opposite will happen. It will prove he is guilty as hell.

DAP supports Dr Mahathir for Prime Minister and in return he makes sure Guan Eng stays out of jail

And that is why the Attorney-General, Tommy Thomas, ordered that all the evidence destroyed and for the charges to be dropped. Going to trial means Guan Eng’s goose is cooked.

The question now is: did Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad order Tommy Thomas to destroy the evidence and drop the charges (Dr Mahathir said he was shocked)? Was this the deal for DAP to support Mahathir for Prime Minister? Was the MACC really not involved in this and was not in the know (they also said they were shocked)?

The only answer we have at this stage is the evidence that would have sent Guan Eng to jail has already been destroyed. So even if they want to still go on with the trial it is of no use. The WhatsApp and text messages plus e-mails and tape-recorded conversations no longer exist. Guan Eng has been repaid for DAP allowing Mahathir to become Prime Minister.

