Tian Chua accuses Rafizi of secretly planning by-election for Anwar

(MMO) – PKR vice-president Tian Chua today accused his fellow party vice-president Rafizi Ramli of secretly planning a by-election for party president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to contest.

Tian Chua, on his Twitter account today, made an indirect reference to Rafizi and questioned the party’s democracy.

“A while ago, you talked endlessly about openness, transparency and the truth; now it is perfectly okay to claim the selected few can secretly make major decisions for the party without consulting others in the leadership. Is this a democratic party or a secret society?” he posted on his Twitter account.

An hour later, the PKR vice-president posted in the same thread: “Isn’t that the same guy who criticised PM for making unilateral decisions on cabinet appointment and policies without consulting PH leadership?”

Earlier today, Rafizi said the issue of a Parliamentary seat to be vacated to pave the way for the PKR president-elect to contest has been discussed with the party advisor and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as well as several leaders.

Rafizi said he was among the leaders who took part in the talks, which only involved several individuals close to Anwar in terms of party operation and campaign.

Tian Chua had previously taken Rafizi to task for bypassing Dr Wan Azizah, in announcing that a Parliamentary seat would be vacated next week to pave the way for Anwar to return as an MP.

He questioned the move, claiming that it was done without the knowledge of the party leadership.

