Please help the Villagers at Nanga Makut Song Katibas, Sarawak

Long house perishes from fire and the villagers need help. Hope by your report help will arrive to provide for their needs.
God bless

Esthaky Breitner

Almost 300 Ibans left homeless after longhouse in Nanga Makut razed

The Star – A total of 297 residents of a longhouse, Dagum Sangai Rhode in Nanga Makut, Katibas, about an hour and a half boat ride from Song town, were left with only their clothes on their back after their home was totally destroyed in a fire.

Song acting district police chief, Asst Comm Balie Jelian said on Tuesday (Sept 25) that in the 8am incident, the 32-door longhouse was razed to the ground but fortunately, all the inhabitants managed to escape to safety.

“The longhouse chief, Tuai rumah Dagum and his people had only managed to save themselves but their belongings were destroyed. No injuries were reported,” he said.

He said an investigation had been carried out to determine the actual cause and estimated losses from the fire.

He said that besides the police force, the Fire and Rescue Team (BBP Song) and the Song Social Welfare Department were also deployed to provide appropriate assistance to the victims.

“All the affected victims have been directed to go to S.K Lubok Bedil, Katibas, which is being used as a temporary shelter,” he added.

The fire is the 13th this year involving Iban longhouses in the state.

