Anwar must never be allowed to take over
Generally, tudungs have a slave mentality. They have been brainwashed into servitude demi Islam i.e. political Islam which is the worst form of rotten politics.
Joe Fernandez
DAP should not agree to Pakatan Harapan (PH) taking in Umno MPs.
Mahathir’s aim, as in 1969 by Razak, is to wipe out the Opposition in Parliament.
That would help rotten politics, based on ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam, to make a comeback and keep Borneo rights under the coconut shell.
After 1969, it took 39 years for the Opposition to deny the ruling coalition a two-thirds majority in Parliament.
The Opposition Pakatan Rakyat denied the ruling BN two thirds majority in 2008 and took five states in Malaya. Mahathir pushed out Badawi and brought in Najib.
For 2008, Anwar Ibrahim jumped on Hindraf’s makkal sakthi bandwagon. Earlier, 100, 000 people had taken to the streets in Kuala Lumpur on 25 Nov, 2007.
Jeffrey Kitingan worked on the 16 Sept 2008 People’s Revolution. Najib, backed by Mahathir, worked on Sodomy II after Famous Anus Saiful spilled the beans on Sept 16.
In 2013, the Opposition again denied BN the two-thirds majority.
Those wearing tudungs have a slave mentality and have been brainwashed into servitude
Mahathir realised that BN will never regain the two-thirds majority in Parliament. Ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam were doomed. Rotten politics was in danger of being abolished and Borneo rights advocates were on the march.
So, Mahathir defected to the Opposition Pakatan Harapan with the support of DAP.
He knew that if he provided the leadership, PH would seize the reins of power in Putrajaya.
Mahathir succeeded and returned as Prime Minister two months short of his 93rd birthday.
His aim is to wipe out the Opposition in Parliament so that ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam would return and continue the rotten politics pursued by BN for 60 years. Borneo rights advocates would be forced to subscribe to the cium tangan, cium pantat syndrome.
Mahathir wants to turn DAP into another MCA and Hindraf into another MIC.
Then, PH would be BN 2.0.
Bersatu would be Umno 2.0.
If Mahathir succeeds, it will take another 40 years for the Opposition to return in strength to Parliament.
North Borneo and Sarawak must work together with DAP to ensure there’s strong Opposition in Parliament to keep out ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam and ensure Borneo rights.
They should not sell their souls to the Devil, Mahathir, whose children are all billionaires. This is a first in world history for a Prime Minister.
Anwar is an even bigger Devil than Mahathir
If Anwar Ibrahim succeeds Mahathir and becomes Prime Minister, he will be an even bigger Devil than his mentor.
Anwar roots for ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam.
He’s anti Orang Asal, anti Christian, anti Borneo rights and anti Hindraf. He sees Jeffrey G Kitingan and Hindraf as racists.
At least, in the case of Mahathir, no one has seen him pray at home. He’s a communist like the people in Kerala.
Outside Kerala, Malayalees are rabid capitalists.
Anwar Ibrahim must be stopped from succeeding Mahathir as Prime Minister.
It’s no use waiting for Mahathir to come down with a protracted illness and go. There’s no cure for protracted illness. Those who come down will go within a month.
If Wan Aziz becomes Prime Minister, we don’t know whether she will turn out to be another Indira Gandhi or a puppet manipulated by Anwar.
Generally, tudungs have a slave mentality. They have been brainwashed into servitude demi Islam i.e. political Islam which is the worst form of rotten politics.