MCA presidential hopeful promises to take party out of BN if elected

(MMO) – MCA will break away from Barisan Nasional (BN), the coalition it co-founded with Umno and MIC, if Gan Ping Sieu becomes its president next month.

Gan said he would form a new alliance with other parties that uphold the Federal Constitution, value moderation and inclusiveness, as well as defend secular governance and equal rights for all Malaysians while announcing his presidential manifesto at Wisma MCA here today.

“We have only one viable choice, get ourselves out from BN, a coalition structure that has deviated from its founding principles,” he told a news conference.

Gan said the new Umno leadership has leaning further to the right and getting more conservative with regards to race and religion.

“It thinks nothing of abandoning coalition partners and ideologies of moderation, diversity and secular governance within the framework of Federal Constitution,” he said.

Asked about BN’s response to his proposal, Gan said he won’t be the one to decide.

“I have to leave it to the BN’s supreme council leaders, whoever they may be now to make their response,” he said.

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