Najib supporters cry foul over last-minute charge sheet

(The Star) – Supporters of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak are crying foul over the supposedly last-minute nature of the charge sheet.

Former special officer to Najib, Isham Jalil, who was with a group of supporters at the court complex where Najib and former Treasury secretary-general Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah were being charged, said that the defendants only had an hour to prepare before appearing before the court.

“This is unheard off. It is too short (a time) to go through a charge sheet,” he said on Thursday (Oct 25) when met at the Kuala Lumpur courts.

He added that he wanted the Attorney General to respond to the last-minute nature of the charge sheet.

Earlier today, the former prime minister’s lead counsel Tan Sri Dr Mohd Shafee Abdullah requested a break, saying he had only received the six charges at 8.55am on Thursday (Oct 25).



1. The 6 new charges against Dato’ Seri Najib are extremely vague and deliberately given late.

2. The charges relate to repaying IPIC for the USD1 billion and interest charges paid for 1MDB in 2015. So now paying back money that someone gave you is a crime?

Apparently the charge is because Dato’ Seri Najib not getting cabinet approval to make the repayment to IPIC. I would also like to point out that Tun Mahathir himself has stated many times that Tun Daim also did not get cabinet approval when he signed the Points of Agreement with Singapore in 1990 to swap the KTM railway land in Singapore that is worth tens of billions now. Is that also an offence that needs to be investigated now?

3. All payments are from consolidated funds which may include excess funds from other budgets not used yet. It is a matter of cash-flow management by the civil service. No party or person who is entitled to BR1M did not receive their payment.

4. The charges also include payments to CCCC and for the pipeline projects. So now paying China companies for contracted projects is illegal?

5. The charges are deliberately vague and all those leaks about BR1M and other accounts are not in the charge sheet nor even described in court. But it was told by unknown sources to media as part of a propaganda game to slander Dato’ Seri Najib.

Isham Jalil

